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Filtro Hidráulico HF6710 BT287-10 P550388 AT58368 926170

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Feliz Natal

Feliz Natal

Feliz Natal Feliz Natal a todos! Neste dia especial de paz e alegria, gostaria de reservar um momento para estender meus sinceros votos a cada um de vocês. Que este Natal seja repleto de amor, carinho e felicidade. Ao nos reunirmos com nossos entes queridos, valorizemos os momentos de união e apreciemos as bênçãos que nos cercam. Que o espírito do Natal nos aproxime uns dos outros, promovendo um sentimento de unidade e compaixão. Que suas casas sejam adornadas com risos e alegria, ressoando com o som de canções alegres. Que as luzes bruxuleantes da árvore de Natal iluminem seu caminho com esperança e inspiração. Durante esta época de doação, que seus corações transbordem de bondade e generosidade. Que você encontre alegria em compartilhar com os necessitados, espalhando amor e alegria por toda a comunidade. Lembremo-nos do verdadeiro significado do Natal – um momento para celebrar o nascimento de Jesus Cristo e a mensagem de amor, paz e esperança que Ele trouxe ao mundo. Que Seus ensinamentos nos guiem em nossas interações com os outros, promovendo compreensão e aceitação. Ao trocarmos presentes e participarmos de festas festivas, lembremo-nos também da importância da gratidão. Reserve um momento para apreciar as bênçãos que nos foram concedidas e expressar gratidão pelo amor e apoio de nossa família e amigos. Nesta noite mágica, que seus corações se encham de admiração e emoção infantis. Que o espírito do Natal acenda uma chama de alegria e contentamento que continuará a brilhar durante o próximo ano. Mais uma vez, Feliz Natal a todos! Que esta época festiva seja um momento de celebrações alegres e que o Ano Novo traga bênçãos abundantes, felicidade e realização. Neste caloroso festival, ainda estamos ao seu serviço, bem-vindo para consultarï¼ E-mail:Sales@filters-king.com WhatApp:+8618144082725

Filtro Hidráulico HF6710 BT287-10 P550388 AT58368 926170

o Filtro Hidráulico HF6710 Referência cruzada BT287-10 P550388 AT58368 926170, Aplicação para Allis Chalmers 440 (Cummins 555 eng). N7. Ammann HL6600-MkIII. HL6600-MkIV. Barber Greene BG60H. BG610. Blaw Knox 200P (John Deere eng). PF115 (John Deere 4219T eng) .John Deere 570. 570 (Yanmar eng). 575 (eng. Yanmar). 575 (eng. Yanmar).
  • Detalhes
Filtro Hidráulico HF6710 BT287-10 P550388 AT58368 926170

Filtro Hidráulico HF6710 Parâmetro:
Número da peça
Nome das partes
Filtro Hidráulico
Altura Geral
178 mm
Diâmetro externo
129 mm
Tamanho da rosca
1 1 / 2-16 UN

Filtro Hidráulico HF6710 Referência cruzada:
AC Delco PF2021, PF941
Baldwin BT28710, BT287-10
Case IHC 18498, 69149-C1, 87027972, D80538, R25511, R25844
Caterpillar 34-2449, 4T6788, 8J1600, 8J1660, 8T3821, 9T5664
Campeão 13028
Cim Tek 70157
Clark 6511280, 6591038
Coopers Fiaam HSM6009
Crosland 7513
Donaldson P163068, P165189, P166264, P550288, P779596, P779620
Dynapac 223478, 499349
Fairey Arlon FA5710, FA57-10, FA5725
Fiat 7738743
Produtos de Filtração FPE5010, FPE50-10, FPE5010N, FPE50-10N
Filtrec A150C10
Fleetguard HF6027, HF6067, HF6133, HF6157, HF6358, HF6436, HF6710, LF3318
Fleetrite HFR828810, HFR86067, HFR86133, HFR86157, HFR86358, HFR86436, HFR86710, LFR83318
Ford 262546, 591567, 636843, D5NNF914A, SFD18498, SFD18-498, V15801
Fram P7046, P7524, PH3567, PH35671, PH3567V151, PH3567V15C1, PH3567V51, PH3567V5C1
Gardner 2115371, 2115939, 2116110
Gehl 63459
Gilcrest 3284080
Gresen 7520001, FS251, K23041A, K23042, K24041A
Hydac 160MA010P, MF1602, MFE16010 / 2, MFE160102
Ingersoll Rand 10353985, 59587196, 59587916
John Deere AR44696, AT44696, AT58368, GG17032373, GG170-32373, GG17032375, GG170-32375, GG17032376, MG636843, MG9800097
Koehring 21427684, 8320240
Kralinator L194, L194U
Lancer Boss 8627203, LHA SPE5010, SPE50-10
Luberfiner LFH4955, LFH4988, LFH5068 / 10, LFH506810, LFH5068-10, LFP449
Mann W1237X
Massey Ferguson 1075951M1
Modina CA401CD1
Motorcraft FH61
MP Filtri CSG100P10A
Napa 1759
New Holland 86542664
Orenstein e Koppel 1450230
Pall HC7500FDJ4H, HC9500FSUJH, HC9500FS-UJH, HC9500SUJ4H, HC9500SUJ4HY5
Parker 921169, 923169B, 926163, 926163B, 926169, 926169B, 926170, 929096, 929096B, HC5710
PTI F4E050CCB, F4H051CCB, RSE5010, RSE5010F
Purolator Facet 40101
Separation Technologies ST6710
Slanzi 408242S, 40-82-42-S
Sofima S8047RH
Stauff SF6720
Sullair 408242
Timberjack 8750996
Toro 743570, 74-3570, 743610, 74-3610, 8076001
Motor de reboque 342449
UFI 8004700
Universal 902188, 9021-88
Vauxhall GM 25011183, 25011184, 25012532
Vickers 575942, 737337, 737816, 941107
Branco 1H1234, 502520
Wix 51746, 51759
Woodgate WGH2318, WGH6133
Zinga GCE10, SE10, SE25P, SE-25P

Allis Chalmers 440 (Cummins 555 eng). N7. Ammann HL6600-MkIII. HL6600-MkIV. Barber Greene BG60H. BG610. Blaw Knox 200P (John Deere eng). PF115 (John Deere 4219T eng). PF120H; RW100 (John Deere 4276T eng). PF180H; PF220 (Detroit Diesel 4-71 eng). Bobcat Melroe 825 (Perkins 4.108 eng). Case IHC 1400. 2470 (504BDT eng). 2670 (504BDT eng). 2870 (674T eng). 4130 (eng. Gás). 4135 (eng. Gás). 4136,4140,4140 (eng. Gás). 4150 (eng. Ford). 4150 (eng. Ford). 4150 (Isuzu eng). 4150 (Mazda Gas eng). 4366. 4386 (DTI466 eng). 4568; 4586 (DVT800 eng). 475 (301B eng). 475 (336 eng). 616; 622 (C291 eng). 616; 622 (D310 eng). 782. W11. W11B (4-390 eng). W11B (Cummins 4B 3.9L eng). Caterpillar 215B-2XC1. 215B-4FC1. 215B-9YB1. 215C; 215D (3304 eng). 215D-9TF1. 219; 219D (3304 eng). 219D-5XG1. 350; 350L (3306 eng). 350; 350L-3ML1, 2ZL1. 350; 350L-9DK1, 7RK1. 365B (3196 eng). 365B; 365BL; 365BLME (3196 eng). 365B-9PZ1. 365BMH (3196 eng). 365C; 365CL (C15 eng). 365CMH (C15 eng). 374DL (C15 eng). 375; 375L; 375MH (3406 eng). 375; 375L-1JM1. 375; 375L-6NK1, 6RL1, 8XG1. 385B (3456 eng). 385B-CKB1. 385C; 385CL (C18 eng). 385C-LMH (C18 eng). 390D; 390DL (C18 eng). 422S. 5080 (3406B eng). 5080-6XK1. 5090B (3456 eng). 5090B-CLD1. 572R (3176C eng). 572R (3306 eng). 769D. 769D (3408 eng). 769D (3408E eng). 771D. 771D (3408E eng). 773D. 773D (3412E eng). 773D (3412E eng). 773E (3412E eng). 775D (3412E eng). 775E (3412E eng). 776D (3508B eng). 776D (3508B eng). 777D (3508B eng). 777D (3508B eng). 777D (3512B eng). 777D (3512B eng). 789D (3516 eng). 793F; 793F-XQ (C175-16 eng). 793F; 793F-XQ (C175-16 eng). 793F-AC (C175-16 eng). 795F-AC (C175-16 eng). 795F-AC (C175-16 eng). 797 (3524B eng). 797 (3524B eng). 797 (3524B eng). 797 (3524B eng). 797B (3524B eng). 797B (3524B eng). 797F (C175-20 eng). 797F (C175-20 eng). 953C. 953C (Caterpillar 3116 eng). 963B; 963C. 963C (3116 eng). D6H; D6HLS; D6HXL; D6HXR-MkII (3306 por). D6H; D6HXR (3306 eng). D6R. D6R; D6RLGP; D6RXL; D6RXR. D6RDS; D6RFTC; D6RXL (C9 eng). D7H; D7H MkII (3306 eng). D7R (3176C eng). D7R; D7RL (3306 eng). D8N (3406 eng). D8N-1XJ1, 5TJ375. T100C-18N261-526. T120C-18N261-526 (Continental eng). T40; T40B. T45B. T50; T50B. T60C-90M510-886. T70C-90M510-886. T80C-94M319-544. T90C-94M319-544. V40; V40B. V50; V50B.

Cummins 6CT 8.3L eng). 726A-16245-20120 (Cummins 6CT 8.3L eng). 726A-16245-20120 (Cummins 6CT 8.3L eng). 730; 730A-16245-20120 (Cummins 6CT 8.3L eng). 730; 730A-16245-20120 (Cummins 6CT 8.3L eng). 740; 740A-16245-20120 (Cummins LT10C eng). 740; 740A-16245-20120 (Cummins LT10C eng). 750; 750A-16245-20120 (Cummins LT10C eng). 750; 750A-16245-20120 (Cummins LT10C eng). 780; 780A-16245-20120 (Cummins LT10C eng). 780; 780A-16245-20120 (Cummins LT10C eng). Ditch Witch 7510; 7610 (Deutz F4L912 eng). HT100; RT100 (PowerTech 4045T eng). JT520 (Kubota D1105 eng). Doosan Daewoo 170 (Perkins eng). Swinger dinâmico | 4000B. Swinger | 748. Dynapac VL800. Ford FW20 (Cummins V555; VT555 eng). FW30 (Cummins V903; VT903 eng). FW40 (Cummins V903 eng). FW60 (Cummins VT903 eng). TW10. TW20. Fox River 6200; 6244 (Perkins 6.354T eng). 6350 (Perkins V8.540 eng). Gehl 3200 (eng. GLP). HL4500 (Ford eng). HL4700 (Ford eng). Hydrocat | HL3000; HL3200 (Onan eng). HydroCat | HL4400-1686 (Perkins eng). HydroCat | HL4400-2167 (Ford 134 eng). HydroCat | HL4400-2167 (Wisconsin VH4D eng). Hagie 470. 472. 473. 647. Hesston 4690. Hydramac 18; 18D; 20C; 20CD (Ford 172 eng). 18; 18D; 20C; 20CD (Ford 172 eng). 20C-MkII (Mazda 4-121 eng). 20C-MkIII; MkIV (Isuzu QD60 eng). 8; 8A; 8B; 8C (Onan eng). 9C. Big Mac | (Ford eng). Mitey Mac MkII | 12C (Ford eng). Hydroax 500 (GMC 4-53 eng). 700 (Caterpillar 3208 eng). Ingersoll Rand DA40; DA50 (Detroit Diesel 3-71 eng). MT6520 (Detroit Diesel 8V-92T eng). MW175 (Detroit Diesel 3-53T eng). MW6520 (Detroit Diesel 8V-71 eng). Reska | R20 / 25CDS; SP56 (Deutz F6L912 eng). SP56DH (Caterpillar 3208 eng). SP56DH (Caterpillar 3208 eng). SPF48 (Detroit Diesel 3-53 eng). SPF48 (Detroit Diesel 3-53 eng). Jackrabbit Jack Chute | 20/20. JJL490-20 / 20; 20/30 (Deutz F2L2011 eng). JR400 (Cummins 4BT eng). JR400 (Cummins QSB-4.5 eng). Mandril de madeira |. YJJL30 / 30 (Deutz F4L1011; F4L2011 eng). John Deere 570. 570 (eng. Yanmar). 575 (eng. Yanmar). 575 (eng. Yanmar). 672A. 672B. 675; 675B. 750B. 770A (6466 eng). 770A (6531 eng). 772A (6466 eng). 772A (6531 eng). 862. 862B. 90 (Onan NHC Gas eng). Descarga frontal Mack FDM700. Manitou MHT10120 (Mercedes OM904LA eng). MHT10160; MHT10210 (Mercedes OM904LA eng). Manitowoc 26101C-caminhão montado. Michigan Fluid Power SAF58. TAF58.

New Holland 1048; 1049. 1065 (Ford 460 V8 eng). 1068 (Ford 460 V8 eng). 1068 (Perkins eng). 1069 (Ford 460 V8 eng). 1069 (Perkins eng). 1075 (Ford 460 V8 eng). 1075 (Perkins eng). 1078; 1079 (Ford 666H eng). 1085 (eng. Ford). 515 (Deutz F3L912 eng). 8500 (Perkins eng). HW320. L225 (Wisconsin TJD eng). L-225 (Wisconsin TJD eng). L325 (Wisconsin VH4D eng). L325; L425 (Kohler eng). L425 (Wisconsin VH4D eng). L445 (Deutz F2L411; F2L511 eng). L445 (Wisconsin VH4D eng). L451 (Deutz F2L511 eng). L454 (Continental TM13 eng). L454 (Ford VSG411 eng). L455 (Kubota B1402-B eng). L552; L553 (Kubota V1902 eng). L554 (Continental TM20 eng). L555 (Kubota V1902 eng). L555 (Perkins 4.108 eng). L778 (Ford 192 eng). L778 (Ford 192 Diesel; gasolina eng). L779 (Ford Gas eng). L779 (Perkins 4.203 eng). L781. L783; L785 (Ford BSD333 eng). L783; L785 (Perkins eng). L784 (Ford Gas eng). TR76 (Caterpillar 3208 eng). Nova ideia 839 (Cummins 6BT 5.9L eng). 882 (Cummins 6BT 5.9L eng). Owatonna 320 (Onan NHC eng). 330 (Onan eng). 332 (Kubota D950B eng). 440 (Ford 4-98 eng). Parsons T20 (Honda GX620 eng). Steiger Bearcat | -2403. Bearcat | CM225 (Caterpillar 3306 eng). Bearcat | KM225-MkIV (Cummins L10 eng). Bearcat | PT225-MkIII (Caterpillar 3306 eng). Bearcat | RC225; ST225 (Caterpillar 3160 eng). Bearcat | RC225; ST225 (Caterpillar 3208 eng). Bearcat | ST220 (Cummins NT855 eng). Bearcat | ST225-MkIII (Caterpillar 3306 eng). CA280 (Caterpillar 3406 eng). CA325 (Caterpillar 3406 eng). CA360 (Caterpillar 3406 eng). Cougar | CM280; CS280 (Caterpillar 3406 eng). Cougar | KM280-MkIV (Cummins NT855 eng). Cougar | PT270-MkIII (Caterpillar 3306 eng). Cougar | PTA270-MkIII (Caterpillar 3306 eng). Cougar | PTA280-MkIII (Caterpillar 3306 eng). Cougar | PTA280-MkIII (Cummins NT855 eng). Cougar | ST250-MkIII (Caterpillar 3306 eng). Cougar | ST250-MkIII (Cummins eng). Cougar | ST251-MkIII (Cummins NT855 eng). Cougar | ST270-MkIII (Caterpillar 3306 eng). Cougar MkIV | CM250 (Caterpillar 3306 eng). CU280 (Cummins NT855 eng). CU325 (Cummins NT855 eng). CU360 (Cummins NT855 eng). KS325 Panther IV (Cummins NTA855A eng). Panther | CS325 (Caterpillar 3406 eng). Panther | KM325-MkIV (Cummins eng). Panther | KM360-MkIV (Cummins eng). Panther | KS360-MkIV (Cummins NTA855A eng). Panther | PT350-MkIII (Cummins VT903C eng). Panther | PTA296; PTA297-MkIII (Cummins VT903 eng). Panther | PTA310-MkIII (Cummins NTA855C eng). Panther | PTA325-MkIII (Caterpillar 3406 eng). Panther | SM325-MkIV (Komatsu SA12125 eng). Panther | ST310-MkIII (Cummins NT855 eng). Panther | ST320-MkIII (Cummins VT903 eng). Panther | ST325-MkIII (Caterpillar 3406 eng). Panther | ST350-MkIII (Cummins VT903 eng). Panther MkIV | CM325 (Caterpillar 3406 eng). Panther MkIV | CM360 (Caterpillar 3406 eng). Panther MkIV | CS360 (Caterpillar 3406 eng). PT250 (Caterpillar 3306 eng). PTA251 (Cummins 855 eng). ST280 (Caterpillar 3406 eng). ST280 (Cummins NT855 eng). Super Wildcat | RC200; ST200 (Caterpillar 3150 eng). Super Wildcat | RC200; ST200 (Caterpillar 3208 eng). Super Wildcat; Wildcat | -2403. Tiger | KP525-MkIV (Cummins KTA1150 eng). Tiger | ST450-MkIII (Caterpillar 3408 eng). Tiger | ST450-MkIII (Cummins eng). Tiger | ST470-MkIII (Cummins KTA1150 eng). Wildcat | RC210 (eng Caterpillar). Wildcat | ST210-MkIII (Caterpillar 3208 eng). Stone Rhino | (Ford BSD333 eng). Sullair H1300Q (Caterpillar 3408 eng). Toro Greenmaster | 3100. Greensmaster |. Greensmaster | 3000-1990 / 01 (Kohler eng). Greensmaster | 3000D-1990/01. Greensmaster | 3050 (Briggs and Stratton eng). Greensmaster | 3100 (Briggs and Stratton eng). Towmotor 422S. T100C; T120C. Vermeer V120 (eng Cummins). 300 versátil (eng Cummins). 700 (Cummins V555 eng). 800. Wayne 933AH (John Deere 4276T eng)

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